Sails of Glory: HMS Africa 1781/ HMS Vigilant 1774

Sails of Glory: HMS Africa 1781/ HMS Vigilant 1774

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The Inflexible-class ships were designed for the Royal Navy by Sir Thomas Slade, based on his earlier design for the Albion class. These ships were armed with 26 24-Pounder guns in the gundeck, 26 18-Pounder guns in the upperdeck, 10 4-Pounder guns in the quarterdeck, and 2 9-Pounder guns in the forecastle. HMS Africa participated to the last battle of the American War of Independe…
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The Inflexible-class ships were designed for the Royal Navy by Sir Thomas Slade, based on his earlier design for the Albion class. These ships were armed with 26 24-Pounder guns in the gundeck, 26 18-Pounder guns in the upperdeck, 10 4-Pounder guns in the quarterdeck, and 2 9-Pounder guns in the forecastle.

HMS Africa participated to the last battle of the American War of Independence, at Cuddalore in 1783. She returned to England once news of the peace arrived and was present at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, engaging the combined Franco-Spanish fleet in battle. She later fought in the Baltic Sea during the Gunboat War and, under the command of Captain John Bastard, Africa was part of the War of 1812, failing to catch the USS Constitution.

This ship pack can also be used to represent the British Intrepid class "HMS Vigilant 1774".

One 1/1000 Scale Model
Special Base with Game Stats
1 Ship Log
1 Ship Card
Maneuver Cards