Hitler's Reich

Hitler’s Reich

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No stacks of armies, no hexes, no overly-lengthy rules to learn – Hitler’s Reich takes five minutes to set up and two hours (or less!) to play. Players fight over Europe, across the North Atlantic and Mediterranean and into Russia using a combat mechanism similar to the traditional card game “War” with dice added in. High-quality wooden pieces mark their prog…
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No stacks of armies, no hexes, no overly-lengthy rules to learn - Hitler's Reich takes five minutes to set up and two hours (or less!) to play. Players fight over Europe, across the North Atlantic and Mediterranean and into Russia using a combat mechanism similar to the traditional card game "War" with dice added in. High-quality wooden pieces mark their progress, which is aided economically, politically and on the battlefield through the competition for and play of Event Cards drawn from three unique decks: one for the Axis, one for the Allies, and one from which either side can attempt to draw. Hitler's Reich is the first of the Card Conquest System game series in which players recreate epic military contests of history in short, comparatively simple and easy to learn, but hard to master games. Designed to be set up in minutes and played to conclusion in one sitting, these are not simulations but games, albeit ones packed with enough historical flavor, excitement, and decision making to give you the feeling of being there at the highest levels of command.