Heroes Reborn: Fantastic Four (New Printing) (Paperback)

Heroes Reborn: Fantastic Four (New Printing) (Paperback)

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In 1996, the hottest creators of the day – including Jim Lee, Rob Liefeld and Whilce Portacio – teamed up to reimagine and reinvigorate Marvel mainstays such as Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Seemingly killed off in the mainline Marvel Universe, the House of Ideas’ most popular heroes were reborn with bold new looks on a brave…
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In 1996, the hottest creators of the day - including Jim Lee, Rob Liefeld and Whilce Portacio - teamed up to reimagine and reinvigorate Marvel mainstays such as Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Seemingly killed off in the mainline Marvel Universe, the House of Ideas' most popular heroes were reborn with bold new looks on a brave new world, their origins re-envisioned with a raw vitality and contemporary sensibility. The Fantastic Four are Reborn, but it could be a short and unwonderful life as menaces emerge from the earth, the sea and Latveria! But even the Mole Man, Namor and Doom himself pale before the threat of Galactus and his Heralds (one finally just wasn't enough)! Featuring the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. and more! Guest-starring Wolverine and Franklin Richards, Son of a Genius! Collecting Fantastic Four 1-12