Hellboy Animated Volume 3: The Menagerie (Paperback)

Hellboy Animated Volume 3: The Menagerie (Paperback)

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In The Menagerie,’ written by Jason Hall (Beware the Creeper, Pistolwhip) and drawn by Rick Lacy (Venture Brothers), a dull trip to a conference turns into a deadly adventure when a mythical menagerie from ancient Europe appears in the Amazon rainforest. Writer Nate Piekos (Atland) and artist Ben Stenbeck (Tales of the Vampires) teach Abe Sapien a valiable lesson about silver …
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In The Menagerie,' written by Jason Hall (Beware the Creeper, Pistolwhip) and drawn by Rick Lacy (Venture Brothers), a dull trip to a conference turns into a deadly adventure when a mythical menagerie from ancient Europe appears in the Amazon rainforest. Writer Nate Piekos (Atland) and artist Ben Stenbeck (Tales of the Vampires) teach Abe Sapien a valiable lesson about silver lining in 'Small Victories.''