Happy Mochi? - Clutch Box

Happy Mochi? – Clutch Box

RRP: £11.99
Now £10.29(SAVE 14%)
RRP £11.99
Expected Release Date 31/03/2025
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Be the first to get rid of your cards! In Happy Mochi, all cards must be played as pairs, and you may not rearrange your hand. The special powers, color-matching rules and “Happy Mochi” bonuses add extra spice to this sweet game! Happy Mochi is a fun party game, with the perfect mix of strategy and luck! Share Tweet Pin it
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-ASMZYGHM01 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Be the first to get rid of your cards!

In Happy Mochi, all cards must be played as pairs, and you may not rearrange your hand. The special powers, color-matching rules and “Happy Mochi” bonuses add extra spice to this sweet game!

Happy Mochi is a fun party game, with the perfect mix of strategy and luck!

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Be the first to get rid of your cards!

In Happy Mochi, all cards must be played as pairs, and you may not rearrange your hand. The special powers, color-matching rules and “Happy Mochi” bonuses add extra spice to this sweet game!

Happy Mochi is a fun party game, with the perfect mix of strategy and luck!

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