Halo: Flashpoint UNSC Base Terrain Set

Halo: Flashpoint UNSC Base Terrain Set

RRP: 25.00
Now €26.48(SAVE 11%)
RRP €29.99
Expected Release Date 15/01/2025
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Category Tags , , , , , SKU ZMG-MGHA109 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Bring extra terrain to your games of Halo: Flashpoint with the UNSC Base Terrain set, pre-coloured and easy-assembly so you can get playing fast. Also contains 10 weapon pickup cards, and a full token set for your games. An excellent pack for constructing denser map layouts, or for event organisers running multiple game tables at once.

The UNSC Base Terrain Set contains:

13 x Pre-Coloured Card Terrain Pieces
107 x Card Tokens
10 x Weapon Pickup Cards

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Bring extra terrain to your games of Halo: Flashpoint with the UNSC Base Terrain set, pre-coloured and easy-assembly so you can get playing fast. Also contains 10 weapon pickup cards, and a full token set for your games. An excellent pack for constructing denser map layouts, or for event organisers running multiple game tables at once.

The UNSC Base Terrain Set contains:

13 x Pre-Coloured Card Terrain Pieces
107 x Card Tokens
10 x Weapon Pickup Cards