Halo: A Space Opera From Bungie

Halo: A Space Opera From Bungie

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Halo. When you read this name, a soundtrack starts playing in your ears and tons of images flash in front of your eyes. A whole universe appears in your mind. Welcome to the game series imagined and produced by the Bungie studio. Halo is more than an incredible space opera, it is the flagship of a community and the most important franchise for one of the three hardware manufacturers…
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Category Tags , SKU ZTP-9782377843282 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Halo. When you read this name, a soundtrack starts playing in your ears and tons of images flash in front of your eyes. A whole universe appears in your mind. Welcome to the game series imagined and produced by the Bungie studio. Halo is more than an incredible space opera, it is the flagship of a community and the most important franchise for one of the three hardware manufacturers on the market.