Half-size Small Box for magnetically-based miniatures

Half-size Small Box for magnetically-based miniatures

RRP: £14.90
Now £12.85(SAVE 13%)
RRP £14.90
Expected Restock Date 01/05/2025
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Category Tags , , SKU WAH-SAFE-HSS-MAG01 Availability Backorder
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The presented product is a Half-sizeSmall Box adapted for storing and transporting magnetically-based miniatures.The box instead of a foam insert has a solid metal plate 0,5mm thick fastened to the bottom of the box where you can attach your magnetically-based miniatures.Each package includes: 1 x half-size small cardboard box covered by a plastic foil; 1 x solid metal plate 0,5mm thick attached to the bottom of the box; 1 x 6mm thick foam layer adhered to the inside lid protecting the top of the miniatures; 1x Velcro attachments to prevent unwanted opening of the box; 1 xsecond metal plate on the inside rear side of the box (optional at extra charge) In this box, you can store and transport miniatures up to 60mm high.External dimensions of the box: 280mm x 220mm x 64mm.
Internal dimensions of the box: 252mm x 200mm x 60mm.Please note: miniatures are not included.