Gulveig (Fate of the Norns Card Game)

Gulveig (Fate of the Norns Card Game)

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Fate of the Norns: Gulveig is a highly competitive card game themed around the struggle for supremacy involving four clans of nordic gods and mythical giants. Play is simple and quick, based on bidding for a power total against the other players. The game is based on a northern European card game called “Tukstantis”. The 4 “clans” have a parallel to classic c…
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Category SKU ZBG-PNH0008 Availability Out of stock
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Fate of the Norns: Gulveig is a highly competitive card game themed around the struggle for supremacy involving four clans of nordic gods and mythical giants.

Play is simple and quick, based on bidding for a power total against the other players.

The game is based on a northern European card game called "Tukstantis". The 4 "clans" have a parallel to classic card "suits" and achieving clan "supremacy" is akin to having a suit being "trump".

Cards are dealt to each player, and then players bid for the three treasure cards in the center of the table. The highest bidder receives those cards.

A trick is led, and players must follow suit if they are able. If not, they may play a card of another clan, but the combat strength is reduced.

  • Ages 6+
  • 2-4 players
  • 30 minutes playing time