Guildhall Fantasy: Fellowship

Guildhall Fantasy: Fellowship

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Do you have a thirst for adventure? Is your middle name danger? Do you just like treasure? Form a party of adventurers to help you be victorious! The more members of each class you have, the greater the bonus they’ll give you – but be careful; your opponents might try to poach your party members! In Guildhall Fantasy: Fellowship, 2-4 players compete to create the perfect…
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Do you have a thirst for adventure? Is your middle name danger? Do you just like treasure? Form a party of adventurers to help you be victorious! The more members of each class you have, the greater the bonus they'll give you - but be careful; your opponents might try to poach your party members! In Guildhall Fantasy: Fellowship, 2-4 players compete to create the perfect party by recruiting adventurers into their guildhall chapters. Collect sets of cards with unique abilities to control the table, and complete a full chapter to claim victory cards. Will you go for points quickly, or build up your special powers? Which will lead to ultimate victory? Only you and the gamemaster know!