Gossamer Mage - (Hardback)

Gossamer Mage – (Hardback)

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In Tananen people worship a single deity: Deathless Goddess. In this small, forbidden realm people are haunted by words of no language known to humans. The words are Her Gift, and they summon magic. Mage scribes learn to write Her words as intentions: spells. If an intention is flawed, what the mage creates is a gossamer: a magical creature wild, free and costly. Each successful int…
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In Tananen people worship a single deity: Deathless Goddess. In this small, forbidden realm people are haunted by words of no language known to humans. The words are Her Gift, and they summon magic. Mage scribes learn to write Her words as intentions: spells. If an intention is flawed, what the mage creates is a gossamer: a magical creature wild, free and costly. Each successful intention ages a mage until they dare no more. But her magic demands to be used; the Deathless Goddess will take her fee, and mages will die. To end this terrible toll, the greatest mage vows to find and destroy Her.