Goblin Vaults

Goblin Vaults

RRP: 24.95
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Goblin Vaults is a strategy card game for 1-5 players featuring bidding, card placement, and scoring patterns. Wager cards to win loot from the central cell block and stash it wisely in your vault to earn gears. Earn gears based on the position of cards in your vault and from scoring objectives that change each game.
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZKS-GOVA Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Goblin Vaults is a strategy card game for 1-5 players featuring bidding, card placement, and scoring patterns.

Wager cards to win loot from the central cell block and stash it wisely in your vault to earn gears. Earn gears based on the position of cards in your vault and from scoring objectives that change each game.

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Goblin Vaults is a strategy card game for 1-5 players featuring bidding, card placement, and scoring patterns.

Wager cards to win loot from the central cell block and stash it wisely in your vault to earn gears. Earn gears based on the position of cards in your vault and from scoring objectives that change each game.