Gloomspite Gitz Squig Herd

Gloomspite Gitz Squig Herd

RRP: $34.00
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Squigs! Little more than mouths with legs and a terrible attitude, these vicious creatures are feared across the Mortal Realms for their rapacious appetites and are often employed by the Gloomspite Gitz on the front lines. These little monsters are a great choice in your army thanks to their incredible offensive punch – just point them in the vague direction of anything you need b…
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Squigs! Little more than mouths with legs and a terrible attitude, these vicious creatures are feared across the Mortal Realms for their rapacious appetites and are often employed by the Gloomspite Gitz on the front lines.

These little monsters are a great choice in your army thanks to their incredible offensive punch – just point them in the vague direction of anything you need bitten, and charge. If you like, you can even field an army of the little monsters in matched play, with Squig Herds being a Battleline option for armies with a Moonclan general. Just imagine the look on your enemies’ faces…

This kit features everything you need to build a herd of 10 squigs, with highly customisable faces. You'll also get a pair of Squig Herders to motivate your Squig Herds, with four possible variant models, of which you can build two. You'll also get accessories for basing – including a snail squig...

This kit is supplied in 77 components and contains 12 x 25mm round bases.