Gloomspite Gitz: Braggit's Bottle-Snatchaz

Gloomspite Gitz: Braggit’s Bottle-Snatchaz

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Grots may be weak on their own, but together they form a mighty horde who will stop at nothing to fulfil their deranged desires. The Rabble-Rowza Braggit summons squigs and grots alike to his cause with the help of his booming voice and enchanted squig skull. He leads the collective of crazed greenskins called the Gobbapalooza, a Squig Herd of 10 famished Cave Squigs and the two unf…
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Grots may be weak on their own, but together they form a mighty horde who will stop at nothing to fulfil their deranged desires. The Rabble-Rowza Braggit summons squigs and grots alike to his cause with the help of his booming voice and enchanted squig skull. He leads the collective of crazed greenskins called the Gobbapalooza, a Squig Herd of 10 famished Cave Squigs and the two unfortunate Squig Herders who prod them into battle, plus 10 Squig Hoppers – who can be built as Boingrot Bounderz, if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Destruction armies.