Gloom of Kilforth: Dark Gloom Expansion

Gloom of Kilforth: Dark Gloom Expansion

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Gloom of Kilforth: Dark Gloom is a small set of duplicate cards but with original artwork that was either a bit too terrifying, or a bit too racy for a PG rating. These are simply duplicates of existing cards but with slightly different art – they are not required for play. If you do purchase them you can either replace your existing copies with them, or just shuffle them into…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-HONDAR1ST18 Availability Out of stock
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Gloom of Kilforth: Dark Gloom is a small set of duplicate cards but with original artwork that was either a bit too terrifying, or a bit too racy for a PG rating. These are simply duplicates of existing cards but with slightly different art - they are not required for play. If you do purchase them you can either replace your existing copies with them, or just shuffle them into your games along with their existing counterparts.