Ghosts of Dathomir: Star Wars Force and Destiny Exp.

Ghosts of Dathomir: Star Wars Force and Destiny Exp.

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The dark side is calling you in Ghosts of Dathomir, an upcoming adventure supplement for the Star Warsā„¢: Force and Destinyā„¢ roleplaying game. When a mysterious and powerful artifact suddenly surfaces on Toydaria, you embark on a journey into the lawless Outer Rim. Along the way youā€™ll enter negotiations with a ruthless Hutt kajidic, experience relentless Force visions, and dis…
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Category SKU ZBG-FFGSWF40 Availability Out of stock
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The dark side is calling you in Ghosts of Dathomir, an upcoming adventure supplement for the Star Warsā„¢: Force and Destinyā„¢ roleplaying game. When a mysterious and powerful artifact suddenly surfaces on Toydaria, you embark on a journey into the lawless Outer Rim. Along the way youā€™ll enter negotiations with a ruthless Hutt kajidic, experience relentless Force visions, and discover some of the darkest secrets of the galaxy.

This 96-page, beautifully illustrated book introduces locations throughout the Star Wars galaxy, a new and mysterious Force power, and many adversaries including Toydarian merchants, ruthless mercenaries, Hutt crime lords, and powerful wielders of the dark side of the Force. Designed to be used with the Force and Destiny roleplaying game, Ghosts of Dathomir can also easily be integrated into an Age of Rebellionā„¢ or Edge of the Empireā„¢ campaign.