Ghosts of Christmas

Ghosts of Christmas

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RRP £21.99
Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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As winter blows in and ghosts start to appear, play “tricks” to the past, present, and future. As turns progress, your foes will play – out of order – to any of these time periods, and you will start to figure out who might “lead” each trick. Even though you can play to the tricks in any order, the tricks will resolve based on who was leading. Can…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-FFGGMEGOC Availability Backorder
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As winter blows in and ghosts start to appear, play "tricks" to the past, present, and future.

As turns progress, your foes will play - out of order - to any of these time periods, and you will start to figure out who might "lead" each trick. Even though you can play to the tricks in any order, the tricks will resolve based on who was leading. Can you figure out who will be leading or manipulate the leader to set yourself up to win tricks?

Points are awarded to whomever has correctly bid on the number of tricks they thought they'd win. If you’ve played as many hands as there are players, the game is now over, otherwise keep playing! Whoever has the highest score and collected the most wreaths wins the game!