Gamemaster's Journal: Cartographer's Companion

Gamemaster’s Journal: Cartographer’s Companion

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The Gamemaster’s Cartographer’s Companion The design journal for the serious cartographer. The Cartographer’s Companion is the premier map journal for Gamemasters, Game Designers, and those who just love the art of Cartography. Each chapter provides an area for you to name the map location, write down notes, and of course draw out your map on the provided graph paper p…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-FGG6001 Availability Out of stock
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The Gamemaster's Cartographer's Companion The design journal for the serious cartographer. The Cartographer’s Companion is the premier map journal for Gamemasters, Game Designers, and those who just love the art of Cartography. Each chapter provides an area for you to name the map location, write down notes, and of course draw out your map on the provided graph paper page. Each chapter covers a different type of map and includes different types and scale-sized graph paper for your use. The last chapter of this book provides full spread graph paper of both squares and hexes for large terrain/dungeon, city, and world maps.