Gamegenic Altered: Prime Playmat - Ice Storm

Gamegenic Altered: Prime Playmat – Ice Storm

RRP: £21.99
Now £16.49(SAVE 25%)
RRP £21.99
Expected Release Date 31/01/2025
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Category Tags , , , , , SKU ZBG-GGS40103ML Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Perfect for all Altered® fans: not only suits Altered®, but a vast variety of games, TCGs, and LCGs
Softly cushioned playmat, 2 mm thick
Ultra-fine surface
Provides safe environment for cards and accessories
Prime Playmat with prints of beautiful art from the game
Kaibara Game Mat design with card and play zones
Anti-slip back side
Made from natural rubber
* Optimized for Gamegenic Sleeves. Sleeves from other brands may affect capacity/compatibility

Product size 610 x 350 mm
Material Natural rubber
Packaging type Cardboard box

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Perfect for all Altered® fans: not only suits Altered®, but a vast variety of games, TCGs, and LCGs
Softly cushioned playmat, 2 mm thick
Ultra-fine surface
Provides safe environment for cards and accessories
Prime Playmat with prints of beautiful art from the game
Kaibara Game Mat design with card and play zones
Anti-slip back side
Made from natural rubber
* Optimized for Gamegenic Sleeves. Sleeves from other brands may affect capacity/compatibility

Product size 610 x 350 mm
Material Natural rubber
Packaging type Cardboard box