Full-size 32mm deep raster foam tray of increased density

Full-size 32mm deep raster foam tray of increased density

RRP: 10.90
Now €13.07
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Category Tags , , SKU WAH-SAFE-FT-R32MMID Availability 3+ in stock
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The presented product is afull-size32mm deeprasterfoam tray of increased densitywhich can be used to customise the storage space for miniatures of irregular shape, with bits that stand out.This foam tray of increased density is dedicated for storing and carrying bulky or metal miniatures. Thanks to its density the foam tray stays stiff and does not bend under the pressure of the miniatures.Each package includes: 1x 32mm deep raster foam trays of increased density. Dimensions of theraster foam trays:394mm x 267mmx 32mm.The raster foam tray is self adhesive! After altering the spaces for figurines, simply take the protective paper off the underside of the foam and stick it to the bottom separation tray.The raster foam tray is perforated into 14mm x 14mm cuboids.