From the New World Vol.1 (Paperback)

From the New World Vol.1 (Paperback)

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From The New World is a grand tale of the fate of mankind upon obtaining God’s gift – telekenisis! Humanity, with the new found power of the gods’, is on the brink. A new species of beast, with the intelligence of man, and another race of monsters begin to clash in this unpredictable story told through the adventures of a group of six youth whose telekenetic abilit…
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From The New World is a grand tale of the fate of mankind upon obtaining God's gift - telekenisis! Humanity, with the new found power of the gods', is on the brink. A new species of beast, with the intelligence of man, and another race of monsters begin to clash in this unpredictable story told through the adventures of a group of six youth whose telekenetic abilities have just been revealed. Beneath this thrilling adventure lie deep themes about the driving forces in life, in a manga adapted from a text by renowned sci-fi/fantasy author Yusuke Kishi.'