French Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry 1812-1815

French Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry 1812-1815

RRP: $22.00
Now $25.84
RRP $26.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The box contains 14 cavalrymen, including 1 officer, 1 trumpeter, 1 standard bearer. Although you can substitute the trumpeter and standard bearer for troopers giving you 13 rank and file if you like. All the figures come with both Cuirassier and Carabinier heads to allow you to build up units of either of these famous Heavy cavalry types. We are also providing enough arms to allow …
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Category Tags , SKU ZWAG-FN120 Availability Backorder
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The box contains 14 cavalrymen, including 1 officer, 1 trumpeter, 1 standard bearer. Although you can substitute the trumpeter and standard bearer for troopers giving you 13 rank and file if you like. All the figures come with both Cuirassier and Carabinier heads to allow you to build up units of either of these famous Heavy cavalry types. We are also providing enough arms to allow the whole unit to be ‘at the charge’ or a more relaxed shoulder swords. As there was spare room on the horse frame ( if we’d put another horse on it, it wouldn’t be the right ratio for the riders frame) we decided to add a dead British Infantryman, as well as a French one and some battlefield debris. So you’ll have 3 of each casualty in the box. The Carabiniers are using the square service portemanteau