Pathfinder RPG: Freeport Companion edition

Pathfinder RPG: Freeport Companion edition

RRP: 19.99
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Freeport (the pirate-themed fantasy setting) has proven popular with gamers, spawning multiple editions and titles. This sourcebook provides all the rules needed to run campaigns in the Freeport setting using the Pathfinder RPG system from Paizo Publishing. The Freeport Companion features game stats for the setting’s major characters, new core classes and prestige classes, new…
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Freeport (the pirate-themed fantasy setting) has proven popular with gamers, spawning multiple editions and titles. This sourcebook provides all the rules needed to run campaigns in the Freeport setting using the Pathfinder RPG system from Paizo Publishing. The Freeport Companion features game stats for the setting's major characters, new core classes and prestige classes, new magic items and spells, and rules for character insanity. An introductory adventure is also included. « less