Foul Play- Blood Bowl Team Manager

Foul Play- Blood Bowl Team Manager

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Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game – Foul Play, an expansion for Blood Bowl: Team Manager, introduces the Putrid Players’ Guild to the game, with the PPG consisting of three new teams: Nurgle’s Rotters, The Lowdown Rats, and The Zharr-Naggrund Ziggurats. Foul Play also introduces penalties to the game, with players receiving them in various ways, such as by dra…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-FFGGW08 Availability Out of stock
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Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game – Foul Play, an expansion for Blood Bowl: Team Manager, introduces the Putrid Players' Guild to the game, with the PPG consisting of three new teams: Nurgle's Rotters, The Lowdown Rats, and The Zharr-Naggrund Ziggurats.

Foul Play also introduces penalties to the game, with players receiving them in various ways, such as by drawing one of the new cheating tokens with the penalty icon or by losing the new Goblin Tribal Leeg tournament.

Finally, Foul Play introduces stadiums, which are constant throughout a season, offer additional payouts to teams, and come with strict rules about who can play in them. A stadium might ban a certain skill, for example, limit the number of players a manager can use, or impose upper or lower limits to Star Power requirements.