Forces of Nature Mega Army

Forces of Nature Mega Army

RRP: £115.00
Now £98.89(SAVE 14%)
RRP £115.00
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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When the balance of the world is truly threatened, the Druids call upon all manner of creatures to protect it. From the vicious Salamanders to the lumbering Forest Shamblers, all answer the call. The ground shakes and the forests heave as the Forces of Nature march to war. This set contains a massive army for Kings of War, including: 60 Hard Plastic Salamanders with choice of weapon…
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Category Tags , SKU ZMG-MGKWN111 Availability Backorder
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When the balance of the world is truly threatened, the Druids call upon all manner of creatures to protect it. From the vicious Salamanders to the lumbering Forest Shamblers, all answer the call. The ground shakes and the forests heave as the Forces of Nature march to war. This set contains a massive army for Kings of War, including: 60 Hard Plastic Salamanders with choice of weapons and Command, 40 Hard Plastic Naiad Ensnarers/Heartpiercers with Command, 3 Metal Forest Shamblers, 1 Resin Greater Earth Elemental, 1 Metal Salamander Veteran, Plastic and MDF Square Bases, Mantic Points. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires superglue.