Flesh and Blood: The Hunted - Blitz Deck Collection Box

Flesh and Blood: The Hunted – Blitz Deck Collection Box

RRP: £59.48
Now £44.09(SAVE 25%)
RRP £59.48
Expected Release Date 31/01/2025
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Ready-to-play out of the box, The Hunted Collection provides everything you need to serve the emperor’s legacy or conspire with his assassins. Includes four ready-to-play Blitz Decks, two The Hunted booster packs to customise the decks, and a beautiful “Pursue to the Edge of Oblivion” rubber playmat, all packaged inside a 1000ct storage box. Product Configuration: …
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Category Tags , , , , SKU ZHEO-LSS-FAB2502-EN Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Ready-to-play out of the box, The Hunted Collection provides everything you need to serve
the emperor’s legacy or conspire with his assassins.
Includes four ready-to-play Blitz Decks, two The Hunted booster packs to customise the decks,
and a beautiful “Pursue to the Edge of Oblivion” rubber playmat, all packaged inside a 1000ct
storage box.
Product Configuration:
• 4 The Hunted Blitz Decks each containing 40 cards, plus
hero, weapon, equipment, and token cards
• 2 The Hunted booster packs
• 1 “Pursue to the Edge of Oblivion” rubber playmat
• Packaged inside a reusable 1000ct storage box

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Ready-to-play out of the box, The Hunted Collection provides everything you need to serve
the emperor's legacy or conspire with his assassins.
Includes four ready-to-play Blitz Decks, two The Hunted booster packs to customise the decks,
and a beautiful "Pursue to the Edge of Oblivion" rubber playmat, all packaged inside a 1000ct
storage box.
Product Configuration:
• 4 The Hunted Blitz Decks each containing 40 cards, plus
hero, weapon, equipment, and token cards
• 2 The Hunted booster packs
• 1 "Pursue to the Edge of Oblivion" rubber playmat
• Packaged inside a reusable 1000ct storage box