Flapjacks & Sasquatches Dice Game

Flapjacks & Sasquatches Dice Game

RRP: £23.99
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RRP £23.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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A push-your-luck dice game with a take-that aesthetic about chopping down trees, wolfing down flapjacks, and making best use of the special effects of the Sasquatch Die. A light, family-weight game set in the Northwoods world of the beloved Flapjacks & Sasquatches card game.
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-LEFPLF160 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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A push-your-luck dice game with a take-that aesthetic about chopping down trees, wolfing down flapjacks, and making best use of the special effects of the Sasquatch Die.

A light, family-weight game set in the Northwoods world of the beloved Flapjacks & Sasquatches card game.