Flames of War: Vickers MMG Platoon (x4 Plastic)

Flames of War: Vickers MMG Platoon (x4 Plastic)

RRP: £8.00
Now £6.25(SAVE 21%)
RRP £8.00
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These anti-tank troops are the real ace-up-the-sleeve of any cunning commander. Capable of bringing down even Jerry’s heavy Tiger tank, your 17 pdrs must be deployed carefully to dominate likely armour approaches. You must maximise their destructive capability at a critical moment in the battle. Includes four Plastic 17 pdr Anti-tank gun teams and two Unit cards.
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Tags , SKU ZBTF-BR728 Availability 3+ in stock
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Unlike many armies, the British Army has specialist machinegun battalions. These experts have perfected the use of the famous Vickers machine-guns, whether laying down a withering crossfire or or firing over the infantry's heads supporting their attacks.

Includes four Plastic Vickers Machine-gun teams and three Unit cards.