Flamecraft - Metal Coins (Series 2)

Flamecraft – Metal Coins (Series 2)

RRP: £23.99
Now £21.29(SAVE 11%)
RRP £23.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Forged in the Flamecraft fires is something new… The iron dragons have been crafting a beautiful set of coins for you! Each one features a different dragon type from the game and, on the other side, the new Flamecraft crest. This set even comes with a commemorative fancy coin and a ‘Dragon Made’ cloth bag to store them all in. 24 ‘Series 2’ gold-coloured metal coins (…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-LKYFMCR03ML Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Forged in the Flamecraft fires is something new... The iron dragons have been crafting a beautiful set of coins for you! Each one features a different dragon type from the game and, on the other side, the new Flamecraft crest.

This set even comes with a commemorative fancy coin and a ‘Dragon Made’ cloth bag to store them all in.
24 ‘Series 2’ gold-coloured metal coins (25x3mm) with six different face designs
One commemorative silver-coloured coin (30x3mm)
A red, stamped, drawstring cloth bag
Coins designed by Sandara Tang