Flabbergasted! A Comedic Roleplaying Game

Flabbergasted! A Comedic Roleplaying Game

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Flabbergasted is a rules-lite and narrative-driven tabletop RPG set in the roaring 20s!

Comedic scenarios and light-hearted adventures are at the heart of Flabbergasted, drawing inspiration from the likes of Jeeves and Wooster and Fawlty Towers.

Set in the turn of the 20th century, you'll take on the role of either an affable Aristocrat, an entrepreneurial Well-To-Do, an idealistic Bohemian, or one of the ever ready and steadfast Staff.

Together you and your friends will join an up-and-coming Social Club, get invited into secret societies and work towards leaving your mark in this world by cultivating your reputation.