First Squad (Paperback)

First Squad (Paperback)

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Nadya must recruit her fallen comrades and form the First Squad in order to oppose the evil Baron Von Wolff, who is raised from the dead by the Nazis, and his occult army of 12th century Crusaders. The First Squad and Crusaders engage in a spiritual battle known as the 'Moment of Truth.' Whomever wins the supernatural battles within the spiritual realm dictate the outcome of physica…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9780578599236 Availability Backorder
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Nadya must recruit her fallen comrades and form the First Squad in order to oppose the evil Baron Von Wolff, who is raised from the dead by the Nazis, and his occult army of 12th century Crusaders. The First Squad and Crusaders engage in a spiritual battle known as the 'Moment of Truth.' Whomever wins the supernatural battles within the spiritual realm dictate the outcome of physical battles waged between the Red Army and the Germans.