First and Last Sorcerer - (Paperback)

First and Last Sorcerer – (Paperback)

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Waylaid in their quest for the orb of the Air, Magiere, Leesil, Chap and Wayfarer have all been wrongly imprisoned. But it is Magiere who suffers the most as a cloaked interrogator employs telepathic torture. At the Suman port city they seek help, but assistance proves no easy task. The Domin is embroiled in a secret hunt for a spectral undead with the power to invade anyone living …
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Waylaid in their quest for the orb of the Air, Magiere, Leesil, Chap and Wayfarer have all been wrongly imprisoned. But it is Magiere who suffers the most as a cloaked interrogator employs telepathic torture. At the Suman port city they seek help, but assistance proves no easy task. The Domin is embroiled in a secret hunt for a spectral undead with the power to invade anyone living and take the body as its host. Even if Wynn can manage to free her friends from prison, battling this entirely new kind of undead hidden inside host bodies may be a challenge none can survive.