Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga

Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga

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Power and Glory ? or Untold Sorrow: Which Shall Be Your Destiny? Glory and blood are at stake in this lauded and highly sought-after grail game. Fire and Axe is a strategy game full of raiding, trading and ultimate control, which can live on reputation alone. But the latest version features striking, completely redone artwork full of grit and beauty?players will transcend into the V…
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Norse law dictates that every man shall posses a weapon at all times. The need to swiftly wield an axe in the name of battle, honor, or revenge was ever-present. Valhalla will not be filled with the weak.

In Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga, originally released as Viking Fury, you vie for glory across three epic Viking sagas, each one a different journey to raid, trade, and settle territories. Will you choose the path of diplomacy and trade for victory? Or will your longship cast a bloody wake?

Start your journey by gathering crew and goods to outfit your boat. Will your ships be filled with warrior or goods? Settlers or sackers? After your launch from bustling ports into the open sea, you must choose your path to power — but don't get lost in the wind; the sea will gladly devour souls who take her lightly...

The life of a Viking is one of power and glory, or untold sorrow. Which shall be your destiny? This latest version features striking, completely redone artwork full of grit and beauty, allowing players to transcend into the Viking world in all of its tempest glory. Also ncluded are 70 minis, each new sculpt with striking detail, sure to make even the most dedicated of gamers delighted!