Final Fantasy VI Music Box Searching for Friends

Final Fantasy VI Music Box Searching for Friends

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Classic songs from the early years of FINAL FANTASY are now available as music boxes. The designs on the case are pulled right from the scenes where these songs are heard to evoke beloved memories of the series. This is the FINAL FANTASY VI music box, featuring the song “Searching for Friends” with an image of the Falcon airship on the front. Size: 6 x 5 x 3,5 cm
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Category Tag SKU ZHEO-SQE36261 Availability 3+ in stock
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Classic songs from the early years of FINAL FANTASY are now available as music boxes. The designs on the case are pulled right from the scenes where these songs are heard to evoke beloved memories of the series.

This is the FINAL FANTASY VI music box, featuring the song "Searching for Friends" with an image of the Falcon airship on the front.

Size: 6 x 5 x 3,5 cm