Fief: France 1429

Fief: France 1429

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What would it be like for Mages of vastly different schools and philosophies of magic to come together in an arena and fight to the death? How would an Illusionist battle a Druid? Or a Warlock fight a Beastmaster? Or a Priestess fare against a Wizard? Mage Wars – redubbed Mage Wars Arena in 2015 to distinguish it from Mage Wars Academy – pits powerful Mages against each …
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France 1429 is a game of dynastic ambition, where players assume the roles of nobles in the 15th century Kingdom of France.Each player strives to become the most powerful ruling force in the Kingdom by gaining control of Fief and Bishopric territories, acquire Royal and Church titles and strengthen their positions by negotiating marriage alliances between their families, setting the stage for love treachery and deception!.


France 1429 is a game of dynastic ambition, where players assume the roles of nobles in the 15th century Kingdom of France.Each player strives to become the most powerful ruling force in the Kingdom by gaining control of Fief and Bishopric territories, acquire Royal and Church titles and strengthen their positions by negotiating marriage alliances between their families, setting the stage for love treachery and deception!.