Festival of Masks: Argent Expansion

Festival of Masks: Argent Expansion

RRP: $10.99
Now $10.15(SAVE 27%)
RRP $13.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Festival of Masks provides a new way to play Argent, as well as a new resource to race for during play rounds. Masks provide continuous benefits for an entire round of play, much like some Bell Tower Cards, but the round doesn’t end when they’re all taken, and you can only have one. Use these masks as the engine for your key strategies, to reduce costs, improve efficienc…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-L99-AR004 Availability Backorder
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Festival of Masks provides a new way to play Argent, as well as a new resource to race for during play rounds. Masks provide continuous benefits for an entire round of play, much like some Bell Tower Cards, but the round doesn't end when they're all taken, and you can only have one. Use these masks as the engine for your key strategies, to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and harass opponents.