Feral Vampires Mission Pack: Shadows of Brimstone

Feral Vampires Mission Pack: Shadows of Brimstone

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Each of the Mission Packs offered in the Add-Ons menu is a themed adventure set including a new Enemy type, new cards themed for those Enemies, a set of new Missions involving them, and a new Objective Room Map Tile that, like the other map tiles in the game, is double-sided. It has an Old West Mine side and an OtherWorld side, both for use with the themed Missions of the set. Shado…
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Each of the Mission Packs offered in the Add-Ons menu is a themed adventure set including a new Enemy type, new cards themed for those Enemies, a set of new Missions involving them, and a new Objective Room Map Tile that, like the other map tiles in the game, is double-sided. It has an Old West Mine side and an OtherWorld side, both for use with the themed Missions of the set.

Shadows of Brimstone: Vampire Nest Mission Pack includes 6 Feral Vampires.