Farms Race

Farms Race

RRP: £49.99
Now £43.19(SAVE 13%)
RRP £49.99
Expected Release Date 30/06/2025
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Radioactive waste from local power plants has granted you and your fellow farm animals both sentience and an insatiable hunger… for power. Now you must take up the weapons of your former masters, the humans, to fight both them and each other for control of the countryside. Farms Race is a 1-2 hour strategy game that parodies Eurogames like Catan and Agricola. Players play as …
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-MEDFR01 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Radioactive waste from local power plants has granted you and your fellow farm animals both sentience and an insatiable hunger… for power. Now you must take up the weapons of your former masters, the humans, to fight both them and each other for control of the countryside.

Farms Race is a 1-2 hour strategy game that parodies Eurogames like Catan and Agricola. Players play as the Supreme Leader of a species of farm animal racing to accumulate 10 Victory Points by building Barns and Armories, recruiting Spies, building the most nukes, and conquering opponents’ regions with their herds.

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Radioactive waste from local power plants has granted you and your fellow farm animals both sentience and an insatiable hunger... for power. Now you must take up the weapons of your former masters, the humans, to fight both them and each other for control of the countryside.

Farms Race is a 1-2 hour strategy game that parodies Eurogames like Catan and Agricola. Players play as the Supreme Leader of a species of farm animal racing to accumulate 10 Victory Points by building Barns and Armories, recruiting Spies, building the most nukes, and conquering opponents' regions with their herds.