Farming Simulator 22: Pumps N' Hoses Pack - PC

Farming Simulator 22: Pumps N’ Hoses Pack – PC

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Pump it up and upgrade your farming operation with umbilical systems, manure separation and configurable biogas plants! A huge variety of new machines, tools and buildings extend the infrastructure of manure distribution and resource storage on your farm. Overall, more than 30 items from Dutch manufacturer SCHOUTEN, German steel storage specialist Stallkamp and biogas technology man…
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Pump it up and upgrade your farming operation with umbilical systems, manure separation and configurable biogas plants! A huge variety of new machines, tools and buildings extend the infrastructure of manure distribution and resource storage on your farm. Overall, more than 30 items from Dutch manufacturer SCHOUTEN, German steel storage specialist Stallkamp and biogas technology manufacturer BVL are included to introduce new gameplay features to Farming Simulator 22. Manure & Slurry Distribution Systems Implement umbilical systems on your farm! By attaching draggable hoses in different lengths and ultra-light drag hose injectors instead of heavy manure tanks to your tractor, you protect the soil and fertilize your fields - with the convenience and high capacities of mobile pumping units like pump wagons and pump trailers stationed nearby. Combine hoses, if needed, that span hundreds of meters to cover your fields for efficient fertilization. And don’t forget to improve pumping conditions... Read more below!