Fantastic Four Epic Collection: Battle of the Behemoths

Fantastic Four Epic Collection: Battle of the Behemoths

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Only an artist as immortal as John Buscema could fill Jack “King” Kirby’s Galactus-sized shoes on Fantastic Four! “Big John” joins Stan the Man on a timeless run in this collection of FF from the early ’70s: Johnny Storm and Crystal develop their romance, while Ben Grimm learns to change into Thing at will; Reed Richards takes on Annihilus and Jan…
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Only an artist as immortal as John Buscema could fill Jack "King" Kirby's Galactus-sized shoes on Fantastic Four! "Big John" joins Stan the Man on a timeless run in this collection of FF from the early '70s: Johnny Storm and Crystal develop their romance, while Ben Grimm learns to change into Thing at will; Reed Richards takes on Annihilus and Janus in the Negative Zone, and none other than Doctor Doom teams up with the FF to face the awesome threat of the Over-Mind! Plus: Gabriel the Air-Walker debut as Galactus' new herald, and he's arrived on Earth to force the Silver Surfer to submit to the Big G's will--or the Earth dies! All this plus the return of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon!