Extraordinary: A Story Of An Ordinary Princess (Paperback)

Extraordinary: A Story Of An Ordinary Princess (Paperback)

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While her sisters were blessed at birth with exceptional skills, Princess Basil’s ‘gift’ is to be ordinary. But can a princess be ordinary? After escaping an unconventional kidnapping, Princess Basil finds herself far from her castle and must take fate into her own hands. She tracks down the fairy godmother who ‘blessed’ her, and learns the solution to …
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While her sisters were blessed at birth with exceptional skills, Princess Basil's 'gift' is to be ordinary. But can a princess be ordinary? After escaping an unconventional kidnapping, Princess Basil finds herself far from her castle and must take fate into her own hands. She tracks down the fairy godmother who 'blessed' her, and learns the solution to her ordinariness might be as simple as finding a magic ring. With an unlikely ally in tow, she takes on gnomes, a badger, and a couple of snarky foxes in her quest for a less ordinary life.