Expansion Puzzleset - Aztec Realms

Expansion Puzzleset – Aztec Realms

RRP: £20.00
Now £17.59(SAVE 12%)
RRP £20.00
Expected Release Date 30/06/2025
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Please note: This is an additional set of puzzle pictures for the Pyramid of the Sun. The Pyramid is required to use this Expansion. Explore the Aztec Realms atmosphere Change the aesthetics of the pyramid Stunning colorful artwork Simple to apply Perfect addition to your main experience Contains 4 puzzle frames + 4 puzzle sets 200+ wooden puzzle pieces in total
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-IDVPUZ0203 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Please note: This is an additional set of puzzle pictures for the Pyramid of the Sun. The Pyramid is required to use this Expansion.

Explore the Aztec Realms atmosphere
Change the aesthetics of the pyramid
Stunning colorful artwork
Simple to apply
Perfect addition to your main experience
Contains 4 puzzle frames + 4 puzzle sets
200+ wooden puzzle pieces in total

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Please note: This is an additional set of puzzle pictures for the Pyramid of the Sun. The Pyramid is required to use this Expansion.

Explore the Aztec Realms atmosphere
Change the aesthetics of the pyramid
Stunning colorful artwork
Simple to apply
Perfect addition to your main experience
Contains 4 puzzle frames + 4 puzzle sets
200+ wooden puzzle pieces in total