Excalibur by Tini Howard Vol. 4 (Paperback)

Excalibur by Tini Howard Vol. 4 (Paperback)

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The tower and the storm! Captain Britain and Excalibur have reunited at last, and Otherworld is their new domain. But an escort mission is about to reveal deep political unrest among Saturnyne’s court – and a brutal sacrifice will bear bitter fruit! As guardians of the gate, the members of Excalibur have sworn to safely escort those who quest to the Otherworld within. Bu…
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The tower and the storm! Captain Britain and Excalibur have reunited at last, and Otherworld is their new domain. But an escort mission is about to reveal deep political unrest among Saturnyne's court - and a brutal sacrifice will bear bitter fruit! As guardians of the gate, the members of Excalibur have sworn to safely escort those who quest to the Otherworld within. But when doom returns to Avalon, they will soon find those duties tested to their very limits. Tini Howard's mystical mutant saga continues! Collecting: Excalibur (2019) 22-26