Everything Volume 1 (Paperback)

Everything Volume 1 (Paperback)

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From wayward teens to lonely housewives and ambitious city officials, most in this otherwise-sleepy Michigan town are thrilled with the arrival of EVERYTHING and its catalogue-perfect manager, Shirley. But thrill turns to frenzy, and when bouts of mania, random hellish fires, violent explosions and unshakeable psychic disturbances start to overtake the population, a few begin to sus…
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From wayward teens to lonely housewives and ambitious city officials, most in this otherwise-sleepy Michigan town are thrilled with the arrival of EVERYTHING and its catalogue-perfect manager, Shirley. But thrill turns to frenzy, and when bouts of mania, random hellish fires, violent explosions and unshakeable psychic disturbances start to overtake the population, a few begin to suspect EVERYTHING might be the cause. What twisted power has taken hold of Holland, Michigan and its town-folk? Who - or what - exactly is in charge here... and what insidious plans are in store?