EVE War for New Eden - Structures Set

EVE War for New Eden – Structures Set

RRP: £57.49
Now £47.19(SAVE 17%)
RRP £57.49
Expected Release Date 30/06/2025
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EVE: War for New Eden – Structures Set is an add-on that will allow you to create a truly 3D space landscape. It contains 32 miniatures: Customs House (8x), Citadel (8x), Engineering Plant (8x) and Refinery (8x). They replace their corresponding tokens in the game. Key Features: Increased immersion – transform your board into a dynamic 3D space landscape with detailed …
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-REBEVE08 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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EVE: War for New Eden - Structures Set is an add-on that will allow you to create a truly 3D space landscape. It contains 32 miniatures: Customs House (8x), Citadel (8x), Engineering Plant (8x) and Refinery (8x). They replace their corresponding tokens in the game.

Key Features:

Increased immersion - transform your board into a dynamic 3D space landscape with detailed miniatures of structures and buildings.
Miniature diversity - the set contains 32 miniatures: 8 Customs Houses, 8 Citadels, 8 Engineering Facilities and 8 Refineries, allowing for diverse and strategic placement.
Frequent use - miniatures are a core element of the game, meaning they are crucial to the gameplay and will be used frequently.
Community Suggested - this set was created based on community feedback, thus meeting players' needs for a more visually engaging and interactive board configuration.
Compatibility - The miniatures are designed to replace the tokens on the board. They integrate perfectly with the game setup, while increasing visual appeal.
EVE: War for New Eden is a board game based on the cult online game that gives you unlimited possibilities for conquering the universe. Use diplomacy, deception and warfare to dominate space. Develop your empire, create unique factions and take part in epic space battles.