EVE War for New Eden - Azariel Expansion

EVE War for New Eden – Azariel Expansion

RRP: £31.99
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RRP £31.99
Expected Release Date 30/06/2025
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EVE: War for New Eden – Azariel Expansion is an add-on that introduces a fifth flagship to the game, for use in the Pirate faction. Key Features: New Flagship – The Azariel expansion adds a fifth flagship to the Pirate faction, expanding strategic options and fleet capabilities. Expansion Integration – This extension is essential for players who want to combine i…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-REBEVE04 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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EVE: War for New Eden - Azariel Expansion is an add-on that introduces a fifth flagship to the game, for use in the Pirate faction.

Key Features:

New Flagship - The Azariel expansion adds a fifth flagship to the Pirate faction, expanding strategic options and fleet capabilities.
Expansion Integration - This extension is essential for players who want to combine it with the Havoc and Titan expansions simultaneously.
Number of players - the game was designed for 3-5 people, which makes it ideal for group play.
Expanded Gameplay - With the Azariel expansion, players gain access to new strategic layers.
Prerequisites - To use the Azariel expansion, players must have the base game and the Havoc and Titan expansions.
EVE: War for New Eden is a board game based on the cult online game that gives you unlimited opportunities to conquer the universe. Use diplomacy, deception and warfare to dominate space. Expand your empire, create unique factions and take part in epic space battles.