Enhance Board Games & Puzzles Board Game Backpack

Enhance Board Games & Puzzles Board Game Backpack

RRP: £154.99
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Make your next game night a hit. A massive storage tower designed to hold an entire library of your favorite board games makes it easy to store AND travel with your games. The large 12.5 x 12.5 x 21 inch interior features an elastic strap that holds board games of all sizes in place. The spacious interior fits board games of all sizes, including massive games such as Gloomhaven.
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-ENTTCFG100BKEW Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Make your next game night a hit. A massive storage tower designed to hold an entire library of your favorite board games makes it easy to store AND travel with your games. The large 12.5 x 12.5 x 21 inch interior features an elastic strap that holds board games of all sizes in place. The spacious interior fits board games of all sizes, including massive games such as Gloomhaven.


Make your next game night a hit. A massive storage tower designed to hold an entire library of your favorite board games makes it easy to store AND travel with your games. The large 12.5 x 12.5 x 21 inch interior features an elastic strap that holds board games of all sizes in place. The spacious interior fits board games of all sizes, including massive games such as Gloomhaven.