Elrentaros Wanderings - Nintendo Switch

Elrentaros Wanderings – Nintendo Switch

RRP: $44.99
Now $42.15(SAVE 26%)
RRP $56.99
Nintendo Switch
Expected Release Date 04/03/2025
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Welcome to Elrentaros, a hinterland town far from the Melvanian capital. Visiting on a journey, you mingle with the colorful locals and embark on a quest to find ways to help them. But your adventure takes a sudden turn when a strange light surrounds you and you wake in a different realm. Could this be the real universe? Unravel the secret of the two worlds!
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Category Tags , SKU VAD-NSKERPRAG37414 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Welcome to Elrentaros, a hinterland town far from the Melvanian capital. Visiting on a journey, you mingle with the colorful locals and embark on a quest to find ways to help them. But your adventure takes a sudden turn when a strange light surrounds you and you wake in a different realm.

Could this be the real universe?

Unravel the secret of the two worlds!