Elfquest: The Final Quest Volume 1 (Paperback)

Elfquest: The Final Quest Volume 1 (Paperback)

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Under a two-mooned sky Chief Cutter and The Wolfriders are driven from their forest home by the threat of annihilation. As they wander an ever-changing landscape inhabited by excitable humans and other odd creatures, they discover other elf-tribes as well. Alliances are formed and broken, and epic battles fought in this enormous fantasy epic. This edition collects ‘The Final Q…
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Under a two-mooned sky Chief Cutter and The Wolfriders are driven from their forest home by the threat of annihilation. As they wander an ever-changing landscape inhabited by excitable humans and other odd creatures, they discover other elf-tribes as well. Alliances are formed and broken, and epic battles fought in this enormous fantasy epic. This edition collects 'The Final Quest' with commentaries from creators Wendy and Rick Pini.


Under a two-mooned sky Chief Cutter and The Wolfriders are driven from their forest home by the threat of annihilation. As they wander an ever-changing landscape inhabited by excitable humans and other odd creatures, they discover other elf-tribes as well. Alliances are formed and broken, and epic battles fought in this enormous fantasy epic. This edition collects 'The Final Quest' with commentaries from creators Wendy and Rick Pini.