Elemental Council - Hardback

Elemental Council – Hardback

RRP: $22.00
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Explore the struggles of the T’au Empire in Elemental Council, a gripping tale by Noah Van Nguyen. Follow the ethereal Yor’i and his council as they battle an armed rebellion on the annexed planet Cao Quo. Available in hardback, this novel delves into themes of resistance and the Greater Good, with unforeseen threats that challenge the might of the T’au Empire.

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Explore the struggles of the T'au Empire in Elemental Council, a gripping tale by Noah Van Nguyen. Follow the ethereal Yor’i and his council as they battle an armed rebellion on the annexed planet Cao Quo. Available in hardback, this novel delves into themes of resistance and the Greater Good, with unforeseen threats that challenge the might of the T'au Empire.